Cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) deals with retrieving relevant documents in one language using queries expressed in another language. As CLIR tools rely on translation techniques, they are challenged by the properties of highly derivational and flexional languages like Arabic. Much work has been done on CLIR for different languages including Arabic. In this article, we introduce the reader to the motivations for solving some problems related to Arabic CLIR approaches. The evaluation of these approaches is discussed starting from the 2001 and 2002 TREC Arabic CLIR tracks, which aim to objectively evaluate CLIR systems. We also study many other research works to highlight the unresolved problems or those that require further investigation. These works are discussed in the light of a deep study of the specificities and the tasks of Arabic information retrieval (IR). Particular attention is given to translation techniques and CLIR resources, which are key issues challenging Arabic CLIR. To push research in this field, we discuss how a new standard collection can improve Arabic IR and CLIR tracks.