The paper presents patterns of co-occurrences of wordnet relations involving verb lexical units in plWordNet a large wordnet of Polish. The discovered patterns reveal tendencies of selected synset and lexical relations to form regular circular structures of clear semantic meanings. They involve several types of relations, e.g., presupposition, cause, processuality and antonymy, do not have a necessary character (there are exceptions), but can be used in wordnet diagnostics and guidelines for wordnet editors. The analysis is illustrated with numerous positive and negative examples, as well as statistics for verb relations in plWordNet 4.0 emo. Some attempts to a more general, linguistic explanation of the observed phenomena are also made. As a background, pl-WordNet model of linguistic character is briefly recollected. A special attention is given to the verb part. In addition the description of dynamic verbs by relations and features is discussed in details including relation definitions and substitution tests.