This paper adopts the metaphor of representational fluency and proposes an auto linking approach to help analysts investigate details of suspicious sections across different cybersecurity visualizations. Analysis of spatiotemporal network security data takes place both conditionally and in sequence. Many visual analytics systems use time series curves to visualize the data from the temporal perspective and maps to show the spatial information. To identify anomalies, the analysts frequently shift across different visualizations and the original data view. We consider them as various representations of the same data and aim to enhance the fluency of navigation across these representations. With the auto linking mechanism, after the analyst selects a segment of a curve, the system can automatically highlight the related area on the map for further investigation, and the selections on the map or the data views can also trigger the related time series curves. This approach adopts the slicing operation of the Online Analytical Process (OLAP) to find the basic granularities that contribute to the overall value change. We implemented this approach in an award-winning visual analytics system, SemanticPrism, and demonstrate the functions through two use cases.