“…The first is halos [ARS79, SGS05, TCM06, EBRI09] that make objects (including lines) easier to discern from the background, thus improving depth perception. The second is the use of transfer functions, well known from volume rendering [KKH02], to display multiple styles in one visualization, e. g., as used for volumetric style transfer functions [BG07,GRIG12]. In the context of flow visualization [BCP * 12], other illustrative methods related to our work include stroke-and painting-inspired visualizations of 2D flow fields [KML99, LHS08], illustrative 3D volume rendering [SJEG05], stylized streamlines [MTHG03,LS07,LGP12], textured streamlines [JZDL07], animated, dashed streamlines [LH05] and dashtubes [FG98], as well as illustrative stream ribbons and surfaces [BWF * 10, HGH * 10, CYY * 11].…”