I would like start by thanking my current advisors, Fernando Buezas and Roberta Lima, for their guidance and contributions that helped make possible this thesis. I am also grateful for the guidance provided by Prof. Marta Rosales, now retired from teaching, who helped me initiate into the world of research as a pre-graduate student and then, together with Fernando, directed my first years as a Ph.D student. I would also like to say that it has been a true pleasure working with her. Last but not least, I am grateful for having met Prof. Rubens Sampaio, who made my stay at PUC-Rio possible and invited me to take part of his research group in the Laboratory of Vibrations, where I met Roberta. The talks and discussions with Rubens often gave new ideas on ways to improve and continue my research. Also, all the conversations on random topics like economy, politics and leisure activities were always interesting. I am grateful to my parents, that have supported me in this quest, both by lending an ear and economically, when it was required. Finally, I would like to thank my colleagues and friends, from both Argentina and Brasil, for all the discussions, the help, and the little things that make our daily life more entertaining.