This paper examines a class of two-species reaction-diffusion-advection competition models with two time delays. A system of DDE equations was derived, both theoretically and numerically, using the Galerkin technique method. A condition is defined that helps to find the existence of Hopf bifurcation points. Full diagrams of the Hopf bifurcation points and areas of stability are investigated in detail. Furthermore, we discuss three different sources of delay on bifurcation maps, and what impacts of all these cases of delays on others free rates on the regions of the Hopf bifurcation in this model. We find two different stability regions when the delay time is positive ($\tau>0$), while the no-delay case ($\tau=0$) has only one stable region. Moreover, the effect of delays and diffusion rates on all free others parameters in this model have been considered, which can significantly impact upon the stability regions in both population concentrations. It is also found that, as diffusion increases, the time delay increases. However, as the delay maturation is increased, the Hopf points for both proliferation of the population and advection rates are decreased and it causes raises to the region of instability. In addition, bifurcation diagrams are drawn to display chosen instances of the periodic oscillation and two dimensional phase portraits for both concentrations have been plotted to corroborate all analytical outputs that investigated in the theoretical part.
Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC2010): 34K18; 35K57; 92D25; 35B35; 35B32; 35B10