On a compact Riemannian manifold, we study the various dynamical properties of the Schrödinger flow (e it∆/2 ), through the notion of semiclassical measures and the quantum-classical correspondence between the Schrödinger equation and the geodesic flow. More precisely, we are interested in its high-frequency behavior, as well as its regularizing and unique continuation-type properties. We survey a variety of results illustrating the difference between positive, negative and vanishing curvature. 1 1 In fact, identity (1.3) is often used to obtain information about the eigenfunctions from the geometric description of the propagator e it∆/2 [Ana08, AN07, Mac08].2 Given a metric space X, we shall respectively denote by M (X), M + (X) and P (X) the set of Radon measures, positive Radon measures and probability Radon measures on X.