This article studies scalable global regulated state synchronization of discrete‐time homogeneous networks of non‐introspective agents in presence of input saturation based on localized information exchange, where the reference trajectory is given by a so‐called exosystem which is assumed to be globally reachable. A scale‐free collaborative nonlinear and linear dynamic protocols design methodology is developed for discrete‐time multi‐agent systems with both full and partial‐state couplings. The scale‐free nonlinear
dynamic protocol is developed via design based on scheduling for discrete‐time linear general dynamics. Meanwhile, the scale‐free linear observer‐based protocol design is proposed for a class of neutrally stable discrete‐time agent models. Our protocol design methodology does not need any knowledge of the directed network topology and the spectrum of the associated Laplacian matrix. Moreover, the proposed protocol is scalable and achieves synchronization for any arbitrary number of agents.