We propose a new set of observables that can be used as experimental null tests of the Standard Model in charged and neutral B decays. The CP asymmetries in hadronic decays of charged B mesons into inclusive final states containing at least one of the following mesons: KS,L, η ′ , cc bound states or neutral K * or D mesons, for all of which a U-spin rotation is equivalent to a CP conjugation, are CKM suppressed and furthermore vanish in the exact U-spin limit. We show how this reduces the theoretical error by using Soft Collinear Effective Theory to calculate the CP asymmetries for KS,LX s+d , K * X s+d and η ′ X s+d final states in the endpoint region. For these CP asymmetries only the flavor and not the charge of the decaying B meson needs to be tagged up to corrections of NLO in 1/m b , making the measurements more accessible experimentally.