Effects of the surface exchange anisotropy on ordering of ferromagnetic films are studied for the exactly solvable classical spin-vector model with D → ∞ components. For small surface anisotropy η ′ s ≪ 1 (defined relative to the exchange interaction), the shift of Tc in a film consisting of N ≫ 1 layers behaves as T bulk, which is realized for the model with a bulk anisotropy η ′ ≪ 1 in the range N η ′1/2 > ∼ 1, never appears for the model with the pure surface anisotropy. Here for N exp(−1/η ′ s ) > ∼ 1 in three dimensions, film orders at a temperature above T bulk c (the surface phase transition). In the semi-infinite geometry, the surface phase transition occurs for whatever small values of η ′ s (i.e., the special phase transition corresponds to T bulk c ) in dimensions three and lower.. The possibility of this effect, which is absent in the mean field approximation (MFA), can be seen from the following simple arguments. The isotropic large-D model orders at T bulk c = J 0 /(DW d ), where J 0 is the zero Fourier component of the exchange interaction and W d ≡ P d (1) [see Eq. (2.21)] is the Watson integral containing the information on the lattice dimensionality and structure. On the other hand, the Curie temperature of the monolayer with the (surface) anisotropy of the extreme Ising type, η s = 0 (i.e., η ′ s = 1), is T c (1) = (d ′ /d)J 0 /D. For the simple cubic lattice one has W 3 = 1.51639, so that the Curie temperature of the anisotropic monolayer slightly exceeds the isotropic bulk Curie temperature. That is, the lack of interacting neighbours at the surface can be compensated for by a stronger suppression of T bulk c due to long-wavelength fluctuations making contribution to W d . It is clear that the bilayer has a substantially higher value of T c than the monolayer, and that in dimensions lower than 3 the bulk Curie temperature is suppressed even stronger. For the continuous-dimension model introduced in Ref.[6], one has W 3.0 = 1.719324 and W 2.5 = 2.527059. In two dimensions