Model-plant mismatch is a crucial factor that influences the performance of a closed-loop system. A new approach is proposed for the diagnosis of poor control loop performance due to model-plant mismatch (MPM) in the internal model control framework. In particular, the objective is to identify the mismatch in specific components of a transfer function model, namely, the gain, time-constant, and delay from closed-loop operating data. A new quantity G p /G m , called the plant model ratio (PMR) in the frequency domain is introduced as a measure of model-plant mismatch. It is shown that there exists a unique signature in PMR for each combination of mismatch in model parameters, which is the key step in the proposed method. A method to estimate the PMR from closed-loop operating data is provided. Theoretical and practical aspects of the mapping between the type of MPM and the proposed PMR are presented. Simulation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.