“…The emerging philosophy is that the key geometric properties at play are smoothness (or to be precise, rectifiability) and connectedness of the domain. In higher dimensions, the latter is much trickier, and without any pertinent details we mention that the absolute continuity of the harmonic measure with respect to the boundary surface measure has been proved in Lipschitz graph domains [Da], and later in the so-called chord-arc domains in [DJ, Se], and more recent achievements in the field have progressively further weakened the underlying geometric hypotheses [BL,Ba,HM1,AHMNT,Mo,ABaHM,ABoHM,Az,HM2], although the sharp assumptions, particularly in terms of connectedness, are not completely clear yet. Meanwhile in the converse direction, the necessary conditions for the absolute continuity of harmonic measure with respect to the Hausdorff measure of the boundary have been obtained in 1-sided chord-arc domains in [HMU] (see also [AHMNT]), and later in more general domains in [MT, HLMN].…”