We calculate planar, tree-level, non-extremal three-point functions of operators belonging to the SU (2) × SU (2) sector of ABJM theory. First, we generalize the determinant representation, found by Foda for the three-point functions of the SU (2) sector of N = 4 SYM, to the present case and find that, up to normalization factors, the ABJM result factorizes into a product of two N = 4 SYM correlation functions. Secondly, we treat the case where two operators are heavy and one is light and BPS, using a coherent state description of the heavy ones. We show that when normalized by the three-point function of three BPS operators the heavy-heavy-light correlation function agrees, in the Frolov-Tseytlin limit, with its string theory counterpart which we calculate holographically.