“…It is caused by factoring out zeros of the wave functions, which, in addition, are not the same zeros for small-and large-components of the Dirac spinor [33].On the other hand, it is known, that the radial quantum number, n r , most conveniently and naturally is introduced in consideration by means of quantization conditions, as in the WKB-approach [34,35]. However, since the WKB-approximation is more suitable for obtaining energy eigenvalues in the limiting case of large quantum numbers and the perturbation theory, on the contrary, deals with low-lying levels, the WKB quantization conditions need change.Recently, a new technique based on a specific quantization condition has been proposed to get the perturbation series via semiclassical expansions within the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation [36]. For the Dirac equation, on performing the scale transformation, r →h 2 r, the coupling constants appear in common with powers of Planck's constant,h, thus implying the possibility to obtain perturbation expansions in a semiclassical manner in this case, too.The objective of this letter is to develop the explicit semiclassical treatment of logarithmic perturbation theory for the bound-state problem within the framework of the Dirac equation and to describe a new procedure for deriving perturbation corrections through handy recursion formulae having the same simple form both for ground and exited states.The proposed technique can be regarded as a further investigation of a part assigned to a rule of achieving a classical limit in construction of semiclassical methods.…”