“…Interestingly, Mg 2 Pb is a normal metal with a resistivity of about 200 lX cm at 300 K. These semiconducting compounds were first synthesized about 50 years ago and were shown to have excellent thermoelectric properties. [1][2][3][4] Intense interest during the last decade in thermoelectric materials, particularly the search for high figure of merit and environmentally friendly materials for medium-to high-temperature applications, has led to renewed interest in these compounds. Notably, the group 5,6 at Ioffe Physico-technical Institute has studied Mg 2 Si x Ge 1Àx solid solutions and showed that bulk polycrystalline samples possess a high dimensionless figure of merit ZT = (a 2 r/j)T % 1.1 at temperatures T = 600 K to 800 K, where a is the Seebeck coefficient, r is the electrical conductivity, j is the thermal conductivity of the material, and T is absolute temperature.…”