Most of the physical measurements on clean germanium surfaces have been made by one of two techniques. The first obtains its information by studying electrons diffracted, ejected (by ion bombardment) or emitted (by high fields) from the clean surface. Farnsworth's electron diffraction measurements,l Hagstrum's work' on Auger electrons, and Allen's field emission belong to this group. These measurements are very useful in indicating whether or not a given treated surface is atomically clean, in determining the lattice constant and relative position of the surface atoms, and in yielding information on the adsorption of gases on clean surfaces. The second technique employs measurements of the electric resistance of the sample modulated by external agents such as current pulses, electric fields, or ambients. Information about the electronic energy states, their distance from the Fermi level, their density per square centimeter, and so on, is obtained from these measurements. In this review we shall discuss this second method only and begin by clarifying some fundamental concepts.
Surface Conductivity and Surface Recombination VelocityFIGURE 1 illustrates the energy level diagram at a semiconductor surface. E , and E, are the energies at the bottom of the conduction and the top of the valence band. Ep is the Fermi level, Ei the value of E , for anintrinsic sample. Because of the presence of surface states in the forbidden gap (such as E t ) the energy bands, on approaching the surface, either curve upward or downward and thus create a potential barrier ( -qV8). In the bulk of the semiconductor the distance bet,ween the Fermi level E p and the intrinsic level Ei is denoted by uh ; at the surface this potential difference is denoted by u, . All energies and potentials are measured in units of (IcT). The electron and hole densities at any point in the semiconductor are exponential functions of (Ep -Ei) and therefore, because of the bending of the energy bands, they change continuously throughout the entire space charge region where ( E F -E;) # uh .Since the carrier density in the space charge region differs from that in the bulk, so will the respective conductivities. The difference between the conductivity per unit area in the bulk and in the space charge region is called "surface conductivity" and is denoted by ACT. Both electrons and holes contribute to the surface conductivity: Au = q(pn AN + p p A P )(1) 915