Investigalhs were carried out on low-femperaw conductivity in the defect band of germanium formed due to the presence of large concenkations of exfended defects introduced during high-temperature plastic deformation or irradiation with large imgnted fluxes of highenergy neutmns and pmtons. It has been demonshared iim at relatively low concentrations of dislocations and low t e m p " the electrical conductivity in the defect band DECW by hopping. At higher concentrations of dislocations the metalinsolator transition (m) tsLes place in Ihe system of dislogtions, the conductivity ma^ the m showing a power-law v;uiatioh o(T) * T", with x =S 1 in the range 30 to 3 x 1W2 K It has also been shown that the dislocation conductivity has a quasi-two-dimensional charscter. The dynamics of the Coulomb gap variations was Studied near the m in Ge with a high concenh'aIion of radiation defects.The experimental data presenled show that Ge with a high concentration of dislocations can be used for simulating Some physical phenomena in amorphous and viaous semiconductors.