In atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, alkane oligomers (C50 or C100) rapidly form an oriented interface when placed in contact with a crystal slab of stretched periodic polyethylene chains. The oriented atoms in this interface have a similar order parameter to those of nematic atoms. After a quench below the melting point, we show that this oriented "nematic" interface thickens from around two to three layers thick and crystalline order nucleates from this layer onto the crystal-slab surface and spreads as a two-dimensional patch. Once a crystal patch is large enough, the oriented interface above it advances by forming a stable nematic patch three layers above the crystal nucleus which grows and eventually nucleates a crystal patch within it. Simulation snapshots and mean-first-passage time (MFPT) results prior to reaching steady-state growth suggest that the nematic-to-crystal transition is rate-determining, as it is much slower than the thickening of the induced oriented interface. After steady state is established, the rate of crystallization of C100 at 360 K is determined roughly equally by the rates of nucleation and of spreading of a new crystal patch to the size large enough to propagate the nematic growth front. These findings, along with those of Bourque and Rutledge (Bourque, A. J.; Rutledge, G. C. Macromolecules 2016, 49, 3956−3964) contrast sharply with the stem-bystem growth assumed in the Hoffman−Lauritzen theory of secondary nucleation, with the work reported here indicating the importance of the oriented "nematic" layer in the propagation of the crystalline front.