Recent work [22] by the author about a class of abstract delay differential equations (DDEs), as well as earlier work [9,10] by Diekmann and Gyllenberg on other classes of delay equations, motivates the introduction of the general notion of an admissible range and an admissible perturbation for a given C0-semigroup T0 on a Banach space X that is not assumed to be sunreflexive with respect to T0. We investigate the relationship between admissible ranges for T0 and the subspace X × of X introduced by Van Neerven in [23]. We answer two questions about robustness of admissibility with respect to bounded linear perturbations and we use these answers to study the semilinear problem and its linearization. Partly as an application of the material developed up to that point, and partly as a justification of existing work on local bifurcations in models taking the form of abstract DDEs, we compare the construction of center manifolds in the non-sun-reflexive case with known results by Diekmann and Van Gils [8] for the sun-reflexive case. We show that a systematic use of the space X × facilitates a generalization of the existing results with relatively little effort. In this context we also give sufficient conditions for the existence of appropriate spectral decompositions of X and X × without assuming that the linearized semiflow is eventually compact. A center manifold theorem for the motivating class of abstract DDEs then follows as a particular case.