We study the effect of dynamical tides associated with the excitation of gravity waves in an interior radiative region of the central star on orbital evolution in observed systems containing Hot Jupiters. We consider WASP-43, Ogle-tr-113, WASP-12, and WASP-18 which contain stars on the main sequence (MS). For these systems there are observational estimates regarding the rate of change of the orbital period. We also investigate Kepler-91 which contains an evolved giant star. We adopt the formalism of Ivanov et al. for calculating the orbital evolution.For the MS stars we determine expected rates of orbital evolution under different assumptions about the amount of dissipation acting on the tides, estimate the effect of stellar rotation for the two most rapidly rotating stars and compare results with observations. All cases apart from possibly WASP-43 are consistent with a regime in which gravity waves are damped during their propagation over the star. However, at present this is not definitive as observational errors are large. We find that although it is expected to apply to Kepler-91, linear radiative damping cannot explain this dissipation regime applying to MS stars. Thus, a nonlinear mechanism may be needed.Kepler-91 is found to be such that the time scale for evolution of the star is comparable to that for the orbit. This implies that significant orbital circularisation may have occurred through tides acting on the star. Quasi-static tides, stellar winds, hydrodynamic drag and tides acting on the planet have likely played a minor role. Ivanov et al. (2013) (IPCh) determined the tidal response associated with the excitation of a regular dense spectrum of normal modes, such as provided by the low frequency rotationally modified g modes, by a perturbing tidal potential. They obtained expressions from which the orbital evolution could be obtained. These depend on the amount of dissipation present. Two regimes were highlighted. The regime of moderately large damping (MLD) for which the excited waves are damped before reaching an appropriate boundary, the centre for a radiative core, and the surface for a radiative envelope. In this regime the effect on the orbit is independent of the details of the dissipation process. Note that the same assumption of the validity of MLD regime is implied in the well known theory of dynamical tidal interactions of Zahn (1970) and Zahn (1977) which is ⋆