The present consideration concerns 35 aliphatic and aromatic amines and amides evaluated by the JECFA (65 th meeting). The Panel concluded that no corresponding FGE is available.Further two substances were evaluated by the JECFA in this group, but these are not in the Register (1-amino-2-propanol and acetamide; JECFA-no: 1591 and 1592, respectively).The Panel agreed with the application of the Procedure as performed by the JECFA for 28 of the 35 substances. The JECFA concluded the five substances 14.003, 16 11.004, 11.005, 11.007, 11.014, 11.015, 11.016, 11.017, 11.018, 11.020, 11.021, 11.023, 11.025, 11.026, 14.080, 14.133, 14.141, 14.168, 16.049, 16.052, 16.091 and 16.092] the EU production figures are anticipated.For 22 substances evaluated by the JECFA through the Procedure use levels have been provided by the Industry 11.004, 11.005, 11.007, 11.014, 11.015, 11.016, 11.018, 11.020, 11.021, 11.023, 11.025, 11.026, 14.080, 14.133, 14.141, 16.049, 16. 14.141, 16.052, 16.091, 16.092, 16.093 and 16.094] the intakes, estimated on the basis of the mTAMDI approach, exceed the threshold for their structural classes. Therefore more reliable exposure data are required. On the basis of such additional data, these flavouring substances should be considered using the Procedure. Subsequently, additional data might become necessary.For the remaining 13 substances 11.003, 11.006, 11.009, 11.017, 14.003, 14.010, 14.064, 14.167, 14,168, 16.006, 16.013 and 16.053] use levels are needed to calculate the mTAMDIs in order to identify those flavouring substances that need more refined exposure assessment and to finalise the evaluation.In order to determine whether the conclusion for the 35 JECFA evaluated substances can be applied to the materials of commerce, it is necessary to consider the available specifications:Specifications including complete purity criteria and identity tests are available for 30 of the 35 JECFA evaluated substances. For one substance .013] information on the stereoisomeric composition is lacking and for one substance .017] composition of mixture has to be specified. For two substances ] data on solubility are needed, and for three substance 14.168 and 16.094] identity tests are missing.Thus, for seven substances 11.017, 14.064, 14.168, 16.013, 16.053 and 16.094] the Panel has reservations (no European production volumes available, preventing them from being evaluated using the Procedure, and/or missing data on specifications and/or information on stereoisomerism /composition).For seven of the 35 evaluated substances the Panel did not agree with the JECFA application of the Procedure and additional toxicity data are required for five of the seven substances [FLno: 11.014, 14.003, 16.091, 16.093 and 16.094]. One substance cannot be evaluated through the Procedure due to concern with respect to genotoxicity/carcinogenicity .049] and one substance ] is evaluated along the A-side, while the JECFA evaluated it along the B-side.Overall, for the remaining 23 of the 35 JECFA evaluated aliphatic and ar...