Flowers of Tradescantia (clone 02) which are ephemeral, produce ethylene during senescence with the maximum rates occurring during the initial period of fading. Senescing isolated petals produce ethylene in a similar manner, exhibit a loss of membrane semipermeability, and exogenous ethylene hastens the onset as well as the subsequent rate of this loss. The aminoethoxy analog of 0.1 millimolar rhizobitoxine completely inhibits ethylene production by isolated petals but only partially the loss of membrane semipermeability. Isolated petals acquire a sensitivity to ethylene as they mature, becoming fully sensitive on the day of anthesis.Ethylene has been shown to be involved in the regulation of senescence in a variety of plant organs including fruits and flowers (1,2,7,(13)(14)(15) containing distilled H20. Each tube was inserted into a perforated foam stopper which was placed into a 50-ml plastic syringe. The plunger of the syringe was adjusted to give an air space of 30 ml, and the syringe was sealed with a serum vial cap. The progress of flower fading was viewed through the plastic walls of the sealed syringes. In order to study the effect of an exposure of flowers to ethylene, batches of flowers were gassed simultaneously with 10 ,ul/l ethylene for 90 min in a 50-ml stoppered plastic syringe. Upon completion of this treatment, the flowers were removed and placed into individual 50-ml syringes as described above. The length of time from sealing this syringe until the flowers had completely closed was noted.Ethylene Production by Isolated Floral Tissue. Flowers were excised from the plant early on day 0 and were dissected into sepals, petals, and the remaining organs (ie. stamens, gynoecium, and receptacle). The respective parts from three flowers were placed into a 25-ml Erlenmyer flask containing 5 ml of 1% agar as support. The flasks were sealed, and ethylene determinations were made throughout the day.Isolated Petals. Petals were isolated either from buds on day -1 or from flowers on day 0. The petals were floated on 5 ml of glass-distilled H20 or solutions of the aminoethoxy analog of rhizobitoxine in 50-ml Erlenmeyer flasks with side arms; each flask was sealed with a serum vial cap and fitted with a conical cuvette attached with a 2.5-cm rubber tubing to the side arm. This assembly allowed continuous measurement of both ethylene concentration in the headspace and the absorbance of the bathing medium.Determination of Pigment Efflux and Ethylene Production. Anthocyanin efflux was monitored in the sealed system by tipping the flask such that a portion ofthe bathing medium was introduced into the conical cuvette, thereby allowing for the measurement of the absorbance ofthe bathing medium at 575 nm, using a Coleman Junior Colorimeter (Coleman Instruments, Oak Brook, Ill.). Ethylene production was measured by withdrawing a 1-ml gas sample from the headspace in the incubation flask and injecting it into a gas chromatograph as described previously in studies with Ipomoea flower tissue (9). Each sample rem...