STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) is one approach that can be used in learning mathematics. Articles resulting from research using a STEM approach have been published in journals in Indonesia, with mathematics being one of the sciences that is the main component of STEM. However, there are still a few who categorize STEM articles as sources of information for future researchers. Therefore, this research aims to conduct STEM research using the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method. The SLR method begins by identifying, analyzing, evaluating, and categorizing STEM articles obtained from 2020-2024 with topics related to the STEM approach. Research data was taken from 22 articles that had been published in 12 journals, consisting of two journals indexed by Sinta1, seven journals indexed by Sinta 2, and three journals indexed by Sinta 3. The results of this research showed that of the 22 articles identified in this research consisting of STEM articles, development of STEM teaching materials, STEM learning design with thinking abilities measured, namely critical, creative, problem solving, and pedagogical thinking abilities