The purpose of this paper is to answer fundamental questions on the perceived value of active senior visitors (55+ years old) in the context of cultural heritage sites, when using immersive technologies, conceptualizing technological experience by illustrating an extended space in the pre, during and post phases of visits. Furthermore, it will reveal a better understanding of digital transformation opportunities and risks in the tourism industry and its related sectors regarding active senior travelers and it will further provide some insights and tools that are required to follow.
Since the authors are studying a population that is thus far not fluent in the means of digital opportunities, the authors will conduct two semi-structured interviews before and after visits to the museums in order to lower the level of emotional bias responses. Moreover, observations of the participants’ interaction with technological devices will be assessed during their visit.
Current findings enrich the theoretical perspective of perceived value. First, they extend our knowledge on the perceived consumers’ value of active senior visitors in the application of immersive technologies pertaining to archeological museums. They also shed new light on the different dimensions of the perceived value (epistemic value, functional value, hedonic value and social value) of active senior visitors concerning museum transformation. Third, they provide an integrative framework for extending the boundaries of the museum technological visit experience, linking the pre-, during-, and post-visit phases.
Research limitations/implications
Having a longitudinal study that evaluates the same population of seniors over a longer period would enhance our understanding of perception and adoption behavior in non-users. It entails the dimensions that are necessary from a theoretical and managerial point of view, thus contributing to strategic planning for museum managers who are planning on going digital in the coming years aiming at creating further value and satisfaction for their active senior visitors to cultural heritage sites.
The majority of research concerning technological developments and experiences to date has focused on holistic views studying different stakeholders’ perspectives or on digital natives’ perception regarding museum digital transformation. However, only few studies have evaluated the perceived value of active senior travelers and their overall satisfaction when visiting museums that became digital.