Introduction:Based on Gray's Reinforcement Sensitivity theory and considering the human being's ability to anticipate future events, it is considered necessary to have an instrument to assess susceptibility to immediate and delayed reinforcement, because there is no instrument to evaluate it.
The Objective: To elaborate and study the psychometric properties of the Susceptibility to Immediate and Delayed Reinforcement Scale (SIDRS). Evenly, to present descriptive data of the SIDRS. Method:In the first phase, the items were elaborated based on the conceptualization of the construct. The items approved by experts were part of the initial version, which was administered to 240 adults from the general population. An Exploratory Factor Analysis was applied and the goodness of the items, and the internal consistency of the scale were studied. Subsequently, a Confirmatory Factor Analysis was conduced with the final version in a sample of 960 university students, the goodness of the items was verified, and the reliability of the final version of the SIDRS was studied. Results: In the final phase, an internal structure of three factors (Discomfort for not obtaining a reinforcement, Tendency to effort, and Well-being for obtaining a reinforcement) and one of second order were corroborated. The SIDRS and factors showed adequate internal consistency values. Conclusions: The SIDRS is an appropriate instrument to assess the susceptibility to immediate and delayed reinforcement in the university population of Morelia (Mexico).