“…Scale covering in A. unifascia is more or less evenly distributed on both antennal surfaces, dorsal and ventral, and is in that regard like the antennal scale covering in Lophocoronidae (Faucheux, 2006), Mnesarchaeidae (Faucheux and Gibbs, 2008), and Neopseustidae . In contrast, in Agathiphagidae and Heterobathmiidae, the ventral face of the flagellum is devoid of scales (Faucheux, 1990(Faucheux, , 2004a, and in Eriocraniidae, both antennal surfaces are scaled, but scales are more numerous on the dorsal surface (Faucheux, 2010). Interestingly, in the examined members of micropterigid genus Sabatinca, there is no difference in scale covering between the two surfaces (Faucheux, 2004b).…”