w A mathematical model for dissolved oxygen has been formulated for Lake Ontario. The lake is treated as one box during winter circulation but as two boxes (epilimnion, hypolimnion) during summer stratification; inflows, outflows, vertical transport across the thermocline, atmospheric reaeration, photosynthesis, and decomposition are considered. For each year, temperature data are used to estimate the vertical exchange coefficient and the thermocline depth as a function of time. Predictions of the oxygen model show reasonable agreement with observations for a 9-year period. This agreement provides some verification for the model and for the application of the oceanic stoichiometry of Redfield to lakes. Model predictions and observations suggest that oxygen is transported from the hypolimnion to the epilimnion and from the epilimnion to the atmosphere during summer stratification. Vertical transport accounts for ca. 10% of the hypolimnetic loss of oxygen.