The aim of the study was to propose and verify a model which, based on multi-criteria evaluation of selected input data, determines the category in terms of the environmentally friendly use of individual skidding technologies for each stand. A farm tractor, skidder, cable system, forwarders, and forwarders in combination with harvesters were selected as model skidding technologies. The selected input parameters included: slope inclination, ground bearing capacity, risk of logging-transportation erosion development, presence and size of obstacles, skidding distance, terrain shape and age of stands. Weights of input parameters for multi-criteria evaluation were defined by means of Saaty's matrix and geometric mean of rows. Stocking and areal representation of spruce and fir were added to the evaluation of forwarder-harvester combination. Different equipment (standard tires, low-pressure tires, wheel tracks) and climatic conditions (dry, wet) were also taken into account in the evaluation of the model. The model was applied to the selected experimental territory in the upper part of the basin of the Oskava River. Utilization of GIS application and method of remote sensing in forestry has a long tradition in the Czech Republic. Forestry has been one of the first pioneers in putting GIS applications and methods of remote sensing into practice. These technologies have become a standard tool for acquiring, updating , analyzing, and presenting spatial data. Both in the world and in the Czech Republic several technical papers and studies focused on the utilization of GIS technologies for the evaluation of forestry transportation network or for the selection of a suitable skidding technology. Two main approaches used to be applied in modelling the process of making forests accessible. The first approach is based on solutions for model conditions which are generally applicable to all situations. These procedures are based on theoretical models. The aim of these models is the creation of a generally applicable model that should be independent of real conditions of the territory which are usually simplified in these models. In the Czech Republic, this approach was primarily promoted by Beneš (1991). The second approach represents solutions which take into account real conditions of the territory, mainly the terrain characteristics. These solutions have gradually prevailed thanks to quick developments in the field of hardware, software, databases, and commercial geographic information systems. The use of digital terrain model (DTM) has enabled modelling real terrain conditions in these models. This category includes for example the models of TERDAS (Shiba 1996), PLANEX (Epstein et al. 2001) or models for the evaluation of skidding and forwarding distance created using the AML programming language (Pacola et al. 1999; Tuček et al. 2003). GIS are also an integral part of models for automatic localization of new forest roads in forests not yet accessible. These solutions are usually based on economic assessment of their design. ...