The remarkable physical properties of buckminsterfullerene, C60, have attracted intense research activity since its original discovery. Total quantum state resolved measurements of isolated C60 molecules have been of particularly long-standing interest. However, such observations have to date been unsuccessful due to the difficulty in preparing cold, gas-phase C60 in sufficiently high densities. Here we report high resolution infrared absorption spectroscopy of C60 in the 8.5 µm spectral region. A combination of cryogenic buffer gas cooling and cavityenhanced direct frequency comb spectroscopy has enabled the observation of quantum state resolved rovibrational transitions. Characteristic nuclear spin statistical intensity patterns provide striking confirmation of the indistinguishability of the sixty 12 C atoms, while rovibrational fine structure encodes further details of the molecule's rare icosahedral symmetry. These observations establish new possibilities in the study and control of emergent complexity in finite-sized quantum systems such as fullerenes.One Sentence Summary: High resolution infrared spectroscopy of cold, gas-phase C60 reveals fundamental details of its quantum mechanical structure.
Main Text:Understanding molecules as quantum mechanical systems is a central objective of chemical and molecular physics. The complex internal dynamics of these systems evolve over wide energy and time scales as exhibited by the various electronic, vibrational, rotational, and spin degrees of freedom. Polyatomic molecules, in particular, offer the prospect of probing many-body physics in strongly interacting systems. The most comprehensive characterization of a molecular Hamiltonian, which governs intramolecular dynamics, is provided with high resolution spectroscopy. When a polyatomic molecule is sufficiently cold to concentrate the population into and thereby spectrally probe a single rovibrational state, we achieve the unimolecular equivalent of a pure quantum state at absolute zero in the rest frame of the molecule. The precise measurement of transition energies between individual molecular eigenstates yields detailed information about strong, multi-body interactions between atoms in a unimolecular polyatomic lattice, thus providing profound insights into complex molecular structure and ensuing interaction dynamics.Here we report the first rotationally resolved spectrum of buckminsterfullerene, C60. Following the discovery of C60 by Kroto et al. in 1985 (1), infrared and 13 C NMR spectroscopy confirmed its caged, icosahedral structure (2-7). Subsequent spectroscopic and analyticalThe observed fine structure in the infrared spectrum encodes fundamental details of the quantum mechanical structure of C60. To zeroth order, the rotations of C60 can be considered as those of a spherical top with total angular momentum operator J (36). The associated rotational quantum states are ,, J k m , where 0,1, 2, J is the total angular momentum quantum number, and , , , k m J J are the projection quantum numbers of the...