Studies evaluating calving sensors provided evidence that attaching the sensor to the tail may lead to changes in the cows’ behavior. Two different calving sensors were attached to 18 cows, all of which were equipped with a rumen bolus to record their activity. Two methodological approaches were applied to detect potential behavioral changes: analysis of homogeneity of variance in cow activity (5 days pre-sensor and 24 h post-sensor) and analysis of video-recorded behavior (12 h pre- and post-sensor, respectively) in a subgroup. The average results across the sample showed no significant changes in the variability of activity and no statistically significant mean differences in most visually analyzed behaviors, namely walking, eating, drinking, social interaction, tail raising, rubbing the tail, and the number of standing and lying bouts after calving sensor attachment. In addition to considering mean values across all cows, individual cow investigations revealed an increased number of time slots showing a significant increase in the variability of activity and an increased frequency of tail raising and rubbing the tail on objects after calving sensor attachment in some cows, which should be investigated in more detail on a larger scale.