Streaming neutrons escaping through an air gap located between the pressure vessel and the primary shield of the Nuclear Ship "Mutsu" were measured by applying the twodetector-method. The two detectors consisted of a single BF 3 counter provided alternatively with different covering arrangements-(a) 3 mm thick steel tube + layers oi polyethylene sheeting with total thickness of 30 mm+ 1 mm thick Cd plate and (b) same covering as (a) + polyethylene boxing 20 mm thick.In order to derive from the count rates obtained with the detectors described above the absolute values of neutron flux and dose equivalent rate, the detectors were calibrated in laboratory by comparison with a reference detector system in neutron fields created around a 252 Cf source and TCA, a light-water moderated critical assembly. The conversion from measured counts to neutron flux and neutron dose equivalent rate was estimated to incur errors of ±15 and ±40%, respectively.