Titan's thermospheric photochemistry is primarily driven by solar radiation. Similarly to other planetary atmospheres, such as Mars', Titan's atmospheric structure is also directly affected by variations in the solar extreme-UV/UV output in response to the 11-year-long solar cycle. Here, we investigate the influence of nitrogen on the vertical production, loss, and abundance profiles of hydrocarbons as a function of the solar cycle. Our results show that changes in the atmospheric nitrogen atomic density (primarily in its ground state N( 4 S)) as a result of photon flux variations have important implications for the production of several minor hydrocarbons. The solar minimum enhancement of CH 3 , C 2 H 6 , and C 3 H 8 , despite the lower CH 4 photodissociation rates compared with solar maximum conditions, is explained by the role of N( 4 S). N( 4 S) indirectly controls the altitude of termolecular versus bimolecular chemical regimes through its relationship with CH 3 . When in higher abundance during solar maximum at lower altitudes, N( 4 S) increases the importance of bimolecular CH 3 + N( 4 S) reactions producing HCN and H 2 CN. The subsequent remarkable CH 3 loss and decrease in the CH 3 abundance at lower altitudes during solar maximum affects the overall hydrocarbon chemistry.