A variance-based sensitivity analysis was conducted on a model of atmospheric radiative transfer in tropical marine scenes to identify key factors affecting transmittance and path radiance. The analysis focused on eight input parameters including temperature, humidity, ozone concentration, and others that are relevant to the model. The fifth generation ECMWF reanalysis (ERA5) dataset for a specific oceanic region (110°E, 18°N) was used to ensure accurate representation of data variations. Using Sobol sequences, input samples were generated, and the Monte Carlo estimator provided sensitivity indices for quantitative analysis. Under tropical maritime atmospheric conditions with clear skies and no clouds, the results indicate that within the wavelength range of 3-5μm, visibility and humidity generally have a significant impact on transmittance, while temperature significantly affects path radiation. Within the wavelength range of 8-12μm, the sensitivity analysis results for transmittance and path radiation are similar, showing that relative humidity has the most significant impact.