We define in this work a notion of Young differential inclusion dz t P F pz t qdx t , for an α-Hölder control x, with α ą 1{2, and give an existence result for such a differential system. As a by-product of our proof, we show that a bounded, compact-valued, γ-Hölder continuous set-valued map on the interval r0, 1s has a selection with finite p-variation, for p ą 1{γ. We also give a notion of solution to the rough differential inclusion dz t P F pz t qdt`Gpz t qdX t , for an α-Hölder rough path X with α P`1 3 , 1 2 ‰ , a set-valued map F and a single-valued one form G. Then, we prove the existence of a solution to the inclusion when F is bounded and lower semi-continuous with compact values, or upper semi-continuous with compact and convex values. 1-Introduction 1.1-Setting One of the motivations for considering differential inclusions comes from the study of differential equations with discontinuous coefficients. In the setting of a possibly timedependent widely discontinuous vector field on R d , it makes sense to replace the dynamical prescription 9 z t " f pt, z t q, by 9 z t P F pt, z t q, where F pt, zq is here the closed set of cluster points ot F ps, wq, as ps, wq converges to pt, zq. This somehow accounts for the impossiblity to make measurements with absolute precision. It also makes sense to take for F pt, zq the convex hull of the former set. A set-valued application F is a map from r0, T sˆR d into the power set of R d. Different natural setvalued extensions of f may have different regularity properties; in any case, switching from the differential equation prescription to the differential inclusion formulation somehow allows to account for the uncertainty in the modeling. A Caratheodory solution of the differential inclusion 9 z t P F pt, z t q, t P r0, T s, z 0 " ξ P R d (1.1) is an absolutely continuous path z started from ξ, whose derivative 9 z satisfies 9 z t P F pt, z t q