RESUMOObjetivo: Foi investigada a associação entre diferenças horárias da poluição do ar e exacerbação da asma em Campo Grande, usando dados relacionados com internações por asma e verificada a sazonalidade e status socioeconômico com uma resolução temporal horária. Metodologia: Foi aplicado caso de cruzamento estratificada ajustado para o tempo; o atraso foi estratificado com 1 e 6, 7 e 12, We investigated the association between time differences of air pollution and exacerbation of asthma in Campo Grande, MS, using data related hospitalizations for asthma and verified seasonality and socioeconomic status with an hourly temporal resolution. Methodology: Stratified cross case was applied to set the time. It was laminated with the delay 1 and 6, 7, 12, 13, 18, 19 and 24, 25 and 48, and 49 and 72 h. Odds ratio (95% confidence interval), the interquartile range was increased after 19 and 24 h to O 3 . Results: The effect was lag 25 and 48 h in winter for ozone (O 3 ). The effects for O 3 were to the age of low socioeconomic status modified lag 7e12 h (1,252 (1:04 and 1:51)). The O 3 increased the risk of asthma exacerbations. Higher levels of O 3 were associated with increased risk of exposure of asthma exacerbations. Conclusions: The adverse effects of O 3 of the season were modified by age.The results indicate that health policy in the municipality should focus on vulnerable populations, such as people with asthma.