The final products obtained by the oxidation of small model peptides containing the thioether function, either methionine or S-methyl cysteine, have been characterized by tandem mass spectrometry and IR Multiple Photon Dissociation (IRMPD) spectroscopy. The modified positions have been clearly identified by the CID-MS(2) fragmentation mass spectra with or without loss of sulfenic acid, as well as by the vibrational signature of the sulfoxide bond at around 1000 cm(-1). The oxidation of the thioether function did not lead to the same products in these model peptides. The sulfoxide and sulfone (to a lesser extent) have been clearly identified as final products of the oxidation of S-methyl-glutathione (GS-Me). Decarboxylation or hydrogen loss are the major oxidation pathways in GS-Me, while they have not been observed in tryptophan-methionine and methionine-tryptophan (Trp-Met and Met-Trp). Interestingly, tryptophan is oxidized in the dipeptide Met-Trp, while that is not the case in the reverse sequence (Trp-Met).