Leakage current monitoring associated with the method for measuring the pollution levels on High Voltage insulator of overhead transmission line. This paper describes the various pollution monitoring techniques of High Voltage insulator such as frequency characterization, patternrecognition, optical detection of partial discharge, sensor system with satellite communication link etc. By using the combinations of sensors, processing techniques & electronics set up, the characteristics of the leakage current can be evaluated. Frequency characterization investigated with artificial contamination tests & field tests. Pattern recognition technique classifies the state of insulation structure in online application. The system comprises a fiber-optic sensor, directly connected to one insulator of the string that emits a sample of the leakage current waveform to a processing module via an optical link. Satellite based monitoring along with the Important results were achieved during the field implantation, mainly related to system design & features that need to be applied during the building of tower with transmission line of High Voltage. Experimental activities & field system records the relevant status of pollution level.