Effects of cooking rate, fat trim, aging, endpoint temperature and oven type (conventional, forced air convection and forced airheam combination) on the palatability of beef foodservice roasts were investigated. Clods, chuck rolls, ribeyes, tenderloins, knuckles, inside rounds, gooseneck rounds and steamship rounds were included in the study. Differences in palatability, due to the cooking methods evaluated, were not consistent across all roast types, but the cooking method affected (P < 0.05) palatability traits in all roasts. Inconsistency was most likely due to varying size, composition and shape. Longer aging periods increased tenderness in ribeyes and gooseneck rounds. Palatability was only affected by oven type in round subprimals. First principal component scores (PRINI) were rdated to palatability and were used to rank treatment levels within main effects when substantially different from zero. Palatability was muximized within main KfSects inconsistently across different roast types when sorted by PRINI.
INTRODUCTIONConsumer concerns for health and economic value (Save11 et af. 1989) in meat products have elicited efforts to reduce fat content at the retail level. Retail steaks 'Current Address: Monfort, Inc.. P.O. Box 864, Dumas, TX 79029-0864. 'Author to whom correspondence should be addressed (409) 845-3934, FAX (409) 845-9454. 'Technical Article no.