Classical sighting or sensory tests are used in clinical practice to identify the
dominant eye. Several psychophysical tests were recently proposed to quantify
the magnitude of dominance but whether their results agree was never
investigated. We addressed this question for the two most common psychophysical
tests: The
perceived-phase test
, which measures the cyclopean
appearance of dichoptically presented sinusoids of different phase, and the
coherence-threshold test
, which measures interocular
differences in motion perception when signal and noise stimuli are presented
dichoptically. We also checked for agreement with three classical tests (Worth
4-dot, Randot suppression, and Bagolini lenses). Psychophysical tests were
administered in their conventional form and also using more dependable
psychophysical methods. The results showed weak correlations between
psychophysical measures of strength of dominance with inconsistent
identification of the dominant eye across tests: Agreement on left-eye
dominance, right-eye dominance, or nondominance by both tests occurred only for
11 of 40 observers (27.5%); the remaining 29 observers were classified
differently by each test, including 14 cases (35%) of opposite classification
(left-eye dominance by one test and right-eye dominance by the other). Classical
tests also yielded conflicting results that did not agree well with
classification based on psychophysical tests. The results are discussed in the
context of determination of ocular dominance for clinical decisions.