The cortical output layer 5 contains two excitatory cell types, slender-and thick-tufted neurons. In rat vibrissal cortex, slendertufted neurons carry motion and phase information during active whisking, but remain inactive after passive whisker touch. In contrast, thick-tufted neurons reliably increase spiking preferably after passive touch. By reconstructing the 3D patterns of intracortical axon projections from individual slender-and thick-tufted neurons, filled in vivo with biocytin, we were able to identify cell type-specific intracortical circuits that may encode whisker motion and touch. Individual slender-tufted neurons showed elaborate and dense innervation of supragranular layers of large portions of the vibrissal area (total length, 86.8 ± 5.5 mm). During active whisking, these long-range projections may modulate and phase-lock the membrane potential of dendrites in layers 2 and 3 to the whisking cycle. Thick-tufted neurons with soma locations intermingling with those of slender-tufted ones display less dense intracortical axon projections (total length, 31.6 ± 14.3 mm) that are primarily confined to infragranular layers. Based on anatomical reconstructions and previous measurements of spiking, we put forward the hypothesis that thick-tufted neurons in rat vibrissal cortex receive input of whisker motion from slender-tufted neurons onto their apical tuft dendrites and input of whisker touch from thalamic neurons onto their basal dendrites. During tactile-driven behavior, such as object location, near-coincident input from these two pathways may result in increased spiking activity of thick-tufted neurons and thus enhanced signaling to their subcortical targets.axon reconstruction | barrel cortex | dysgranular zone B ased on classification of dendrite morphology, cortical layer 5 (L5) contains two primary excitatory cell types: slenderand thick-tufted neurons (1, 2). These two types are considered the main output neurons of a cortical column (3, 4). Slender-(or thin-) tufted pyramidal neurons project to the striatum and are commonly referred to as corticostriatal neurons. Thick-(or tall-) tufted pyramidal neurons project to the posterior nucleus of the thalamus, brainstem, superior colliculus, and pons (5-7). The two neuron types have been characterized across cortical areas, including somatosensory, visual, auditory, motor, and prefrontal cortices, and therefore represent canonical elements of the cortical microcircuitry (8-18).We recently showed that slender-and thick-tufted neurons in L5 of vibrissal cortex differentially increase spiking activity depending on the behavioral state (19,20). The majority of slender-tufted neurons carry phase information upon free-whisking (i.e., selfmotion of whiskers). Their modulation depth is highest among all excitatory cell types in vibrissal cortex. During quiet (i.e., nonwhisking) periods or passive whisker deflection (i.e., touch), however, slender-tufted neurons remain relatively inactive. In contrast, thick-tufted neurons are reliably activated upon passive ...