“…Sensory language to describe the texture and mouthfeel of commercial coffee has been developed by research from Japan and Korea and includes terms such as having body astringency, round, smooth, thick, coarse, grainy, rough, oily, and sticky, with overall impressions of being crisp, pure, non-persistent, clear, sharp, mild, round, soft, delicate, balanced, intense, strong, heavy, hard, light, neutral, monotonous, flat, simple and light, mellow, winey, rich, nippy, piquant, pungent, tangy, acrid, alkaline, easy to swallow and refreshing (Hayakawa et al, 2010, Seo et al, 2009). An Italian study on the sensory classification of espresso developed descriptors such as thick, lingering, fullmouthed, viscous, resistance to tongue-palate movements, syrupy, consistency, velvety, pasty/doughy, creamy, mouth-coating, smooth, round, clinging/tongue coating, particulate, bulky, rich/heavy (Navarini et al, 2004).…”