A universal lexicon to describe the appearance, aroma/flavors, and textures/feeling factors of peaches was developed. The objective was to provide a standardized lexicon for descriptive validation. A trained descriptive panel established 29 attributes using 51 peach cultivars grown throughout the production season. This lexicon includes 18 aroma and flavor attributes to describe mature peaches as well as under‐ripe and over‐ripe, redness of flesh for appearance, three feeling factors, and seven terms for describing textures. Principal component analysis was used to discern if differences were found among peach samples using the lexicon terms utilized by trained panelists. Texture was the primary differentiating factor in the first dimension of the biplot followed by peach‐identity in the second dimension. Additionally, the attributes “peach‐identity,” “fruity,” “sweet,” “tart,” “citrus,” “sour,” along with textures and feeling factors were prominent in all peach varieties. This lexicon can be useful to identify and quantify sensory attributes in fresh peaches for food and agriculture research.
Practical applications
The assessment of peach fruit varieties grown throughout the southeastern United States would create a basis for understanding the prominent and unique characteristics of peach varieties and their inherited variability. The peach lexicon created in this study will provide a platform for researchers and producers to understand the desirable sensory traits in peaches. It will allow comparisons among varieties currently available, create a database to be used in breeding applications, and help the growers to produce peaches with desirable sensory traits that could be commercially successful.