DOI: 10.1186/gb-2009-10-2-r24
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SEPALLATA3: the 'glue' for MADS box transcription factor complex formation

Abstract: A yeast 3-hybrid screen in Arabidopsis reveals MADS box protein complexes: SEP3 is shown to mediate complex formation and floral timing.

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Cited by 267 publications
(301 citation statements)
References 83 publications
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“…Because MADS domain proteins often act in higher order complexes (Immink et al, 2009), it is possible that FUL1/2, TAGL1, and RIN interact with each other in a higher order complex to mediate tomato fruit ripening. However, although TAGL1 and FUL1/2 all play important roles in fruit ripening (Itkin et al, 2009;Vrebalov et al, 2009;Pan et al, 2010), they regulate different subsets of RIN target genes (Table 1; see Supplemental Data Set 1 online; Itkin et al, 2009;Vrebalov et al, 2009;Fujisawa et al, 2012), and the phenotypes of the TAGL1 and FUL1/2 silenced lines are distinctly different.…”
Section: Ful1/2 and Tagl1 Regulate Different Aspects Of Ripening Togementioning
confidence: 99%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…Because MADS domain proteins often act in higher order complexes (Immink et al, 2009), it is possible that FUL1/2, TAGL1, and RIN interact with each other in a higher order complex to mediate tomato fruit ripening. However, although TAGL1 and FUL1/2 all play important roles in fruit ripening (Itkin et al, 2009;Vrebalov et al, 2009;Pan et al, 2010), they regulate different subsets of RIN target genes (Table 1; see Supplemental Data Set 1 online; Itkin et al, 2009;Vrebalov et al, 2009;Fujisawa et al, 2012), and the phenotypes of the TAGL1 and FUL1/2 silenced lines are distinctly different.…”
Section: Ful1/2 and Tagl1 Regulate Different Aspects Of Ripening Togementioning
confidence: 99%
“…As such, the SEP proteins are thought to function as cofactors that allow higher order complex formation (Immink et al, 2009). The pleiotropic phenotype of the rin mutant is therefore probably the result of the disturbance of several different MADS complexes that play a role in tomato fruit ripening.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…PFAG, an ortholog of FAR in Antirrhinum majus and AGAMOUS (AG) in Arabidopsis (Bowman et al, 1991;Davies et al, 1999;, controls male fertility and organ identities of the stamen and the carpel. PFSEP3, a SEPALLATA-like protein, is required for normal floral organ development (Pelaz et al, 2000;Immink et al, 2009). However, the direct interactions between B-class proteins and E-class (PFSEP3) proteins were observed in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) but not in Arabidopsis, Antirrhinum majus, Petunia hybrida, or Eschscholzia californica (Davies et al, 1996;Vandenbussche et al, 2004;de Folter et al, 2005;de Martino et al, 2006;Leseberg et al, 2008;Lange et al, 2013), indicating that the dimerization pattern of the homeotic orthologous proteins is variable among angiosperms.…”
Section: Molecular Bases Of the Diverged Functions Of The Physalis Flmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…[1][2][3] Among these MADS TF genes, class E genes of the SEPALLATA (SEP) gene sub-family are essential for the development of all 4 floral organs as well as for floral meristem determinacy 1,4 because they function as the "glue" for MADS TF tetrameric complex formation. 5,6 The Arabidopsis thaliana genome contains 4 functionally redundant SEP genes, SEP1-4. This is suggested by the findings that the triple mutant (sep1/2/3) and the quadruple mutant (sep1/2/3/4) exhibit abnormal flowers with green sepal-or leaf-like organs in all 4 whorls, and also exhibit a loss of floral meristem determinacy, 1,4 however, a mutant of one of SEP genes produces only subtle phenotypes, consistent with the possibility of functional redundancy.…”
confidence: 99%