High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors (HTGRs) have significantly robust passive heat removal capabilities owing largely to conduction and radiation heat transfer through graphite-fuel matrix and reactor vessel wall respectively. However, these capabilities may be significantly impacted if air was to replace Helium in the high temperature graphite under accident scenarios. In case of break in the coolant system high pressure Helium will escape into the reactor cavity leading to depressurization of the reactor. This will allow air from reactor cavity to enter the plenum or core of HTGRs via different mechanisms-diffusion, gravity currents, or natural circulation. Experimental studies were conducted in a geometrically scaled setup with a shape of small English letter 'h', to depict the role of upper plenum in this process. Main focus of these studies was to understand and observe the transition time from diffusion to natural circulation. Thermal camera is used to identify this transition and flow transducer is used to measure the flow rates. The experimental results on incipience time of natural convection after a chamber pre-filled with Helium is opened to atmosphere are qualitatively similar to observations reported in literature using 'inverse U' shaped experimental setup, but also show distinct quantitative effect of extended leg on the transition times. Prior to onset of natural circulation (ONC), molecular diffusion plays the significant role in air-ingress. However, at higher temperatures convection currents may be influencing air ingress and in-turn ONC times.