Cerebrospinal fluid partial volume effect is a known bias in the estimation of Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) parameters from diffusion MRI data. The Free-Water Imaging model for diffusion MRI data adds a second compartment to the DTI model, which explicitly accounts for the signal contribution of extracellular free-water, such as cerebrospinal fluid. As a result the DTI parameters obtained through the free-water model are corrected for partial volume effects, and thus better represent tissue microstructure. In addition, the model estimates the fractional volume of free-water, and can be used to monitor changes in the extracellular space. Under certain assumptions, the model can be estimated from single-shell diffusion MRI data. However, by using data from multi-shell diffusion acquisitions, these assumptions can be relaxed, and the fit becomes more robust. Nevertheless, fitting the model to multi-shell data requires high computational cost, with a non-linear iterative minimization, which has to be initialized close enough to the global minimum to avoid local minima and to robustly estimate the model parameters. Here we investigate the properties of the main initialization approaches that are currently being used, and suggest new fast approaches to improve the initial estimates of the model parameters. We show that our proposed approaches provide a fast and accurate initial approximation of the model parameters, which is very close to the final solution. We demonstrate that the proposed initializations improve the final outcome of non-linear model fitting.
KEYWORDSdiffusion tensor imaging (DTI), Free-Water Imaging, multi-shell diffusion imaging
INTRODUCTIONDiffusion MRI is a non-invasive imaging methodology sensitive to the micron scale displacement of water molecules. The size of the displacement and its directional dependency reflect hindrance or restriction to the water molecules motion, yielding unique information, especially for white-matter brain structures, 1 about tissue microstructural properties and the organization of white-matter bundles. 2 Currently, Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) 3,4 is the most popular way to infer microstructural properties from diffusion MRI. In DTI, the three-dimensional displacement is described by a single tensor compartment. However, the voxel resolution in diffusion MRI (typically in the mm scale) is coarse relative to tissue microstructure of interest in the brain (typically in micron scale). This leads to partial volume effects, i.e., misinterpretation of microstructural properties inferred by DTI, when multiple tissue types are present in the same voxel. 5The Free-Water Imaging model 6 is an extension of the DTI model that describes the diffusion MRI signal as a weighted mixture of a tensor compartment representing brain tissue, and a second compartment modeled by an isotropic tensor with diffusivity fixed to that of free-water at body temperature, i.e., 3 · 10 −3 mm 2 /s. 5 Free-water is defined as water molecules that do not experience hindrance or restriction during th...