However, there are also uses of ACC and ADC of a more structural kind. The proof that LLPO implies WKL needs ACC not because we do not assume that we have a nice representations of binary trees, but because we need to use LLPO countable many times.To gain more insights into phenomena of the second kind, attempts have been made to simply move choice principles into the list of principle studied [17]. And indeed, the original plan for this thesis was to work choice-sensitive and distinguish, for example, between the sequential version of LPO and the real version. However this quickly turned out to be too ambitious a project. The big picture (Section 6.5) is already very complicated and the number of principles would multiply in the absence of choice. Any attempt to do CRM without the use of ACC or ADC would need to find a way to present results in a way that highlights the interesting issues of the second kind and somehow manages to not give too much prominence to issues of the first kind.
Overview and PlanContrary to Simpson style reverse mathematics, in which most theorems fall into one of the "big five" categories, 8 there is a plethora of principles that have been considered in constructive reverse mathematics, with a quick count totalling about 17 major ones. We believe that the presentation we will give is a sensible way to group them. If we consider the big three varieties CLASS, INT, RUSS (see Section 7.1) there are seven possible combinations of these varieties such that a principle is true in at least one of them and possibly fails to hold in others. Five of these combinations form our first five chapters.Chapter 1: Omniscience principles which are true classically, but not in INT or RUSS.
CLASS RUSS INTChapter 2: Markov's principle and its weakenings which are true in CLASS and RUSS. Actually, WMP is true everywhere, but fits better into this chapter than into the chapter about BD-N.