Six amino acids with pIs that ranged from 3.2 to 9.7 were used as ampholytes to establish a pH gradient in capillary isoelectric focusing. This amino acid-based capillary isoelectric focusing (cIEF) was coupled with ESI-MS/MS using an electrokinetically pumped sheath-flow interface for peptide analysis. Amino acid-based isoelectric focusing generates a two-order of magnitude lower background signal than commercial ampholytes in the important m/z range of 300–1800. Good focusing was achieved for insulin receptor, which produced ~10-s peak width. For 0.1 mg/mL bovine serum albumin (BSA) digests, 24 ± 1 peptides (sequence coverage 47 ± 4 %) were identified in triplicate analysis. As expected, the BSA peptides were separated according to their pI. The concentration detection limit for the BSA digests is 7 nM and the mass detection limit is 7 fmole. A solution of six bovine protein tryptic digests spanning 5 orders of magnitude in concentration was analyzed by amino acid based cIEF-ESI-MS/MS. Five proteins with a concentration range spanning 4 orders of magnitude were identified in triplicate runs. Using amino acid based cIEF-ESI-MS/MS, 112 protein groups and 303 unique peptides were identified in triplicate runs of a RAW 264.7 cell homogenate protein digest. In comparison with ampholyte based cIEF-ESI-MS/MS, amino acid based cIEF-ESI-MS/MS produces higher resolution of five acidic peptides, much cleaner mass spectra, and higher protein spectral counts.