= local radius, cm. rf = reduced radius ( r / R ) , dimensionless R = Boltzman constant (cal./mole/"K.) or pipe radius S = strain rate, -du/dx (--du/dr for tube flow), T = absolute temperature, O K . Tf u w z = axial coordinate, cm. (cm.1 sec.-l = reduced temperature, ( T -T~) / ( T R -Ti), di-= local velocity, cm. sec.-l = mass flow rate, g. sec.-l mensionless Z + = N G z -l , z k/w C Greek Letters AH*/R = constant in Equation ( l ) , OK. [AH* is interpreted (11) to be the activation energy for flow] n-= 3.1416 p = density, g. ~r n . -~ 7 Y ( H ) = ( A H + / R ) (1/Ti -~/ T R ) , dimensionless Subscripts i = inlet is0 = isothermal niso = nonisothermal o = outlet R = wall = shear stress, dynes cm.+ (momentum flux) LITERATURE CITED 1. Andrade, E. N. da C., Endeauour, 13,117 (1954). 2.