The nonphosphorylated neurofilament marker SMI-32 stains motor neurons in spinal cord slices and stains a subset of cultured spinal neurons neurons"], which have a morphology consistent with motor neurons identified in vitro: large cell body, long axon, and extensive dendritic arborization. They are found preferentially in ventral spinal cord cultures, providing further evidence that large SMI-32(ϩ) neurons are indeed motor neurons, and SMI-32 staining often colocalizes with established motor neuron markers (including acetylcholine, calcitonin gene-related peptide, and peripherin). Additionally, choline acetyltransferase activity (a frequently used index of the motor neuron population) and peripherin(ϩ) neurons share with large SMI-32(ϩ) neurons an unusual vulnerability to AMPA /kainate receptor-mediated injury. Kainateinduced loss of these motor neuron markers is Ca 2ϩ -dependent, which supports a critical role of Ca 2ϩ ions in this injury. Raising extracellular Ca 2ϩ exacerbates injury, whereas removal of extracellular Ca 2ϩ is protective. A basis for this vulnerability is provided by the observation that most peripherin(ϩ) neurons, like large SMI-32(ϩ) neurons, are subject to kainate-stimulated Co 2ϩ uptake, a histochemical stain that identifies neurons possessing Ca 2ϩ -permeable AMPA /kainate receptor-gated channels. Finally, of possibly greater relevance to the slow motor neuronal degeneration in diseases, both large SMI-32(ϩ) neurons and peripherin(ϩ) neurons are selectively damaged by prolonged (24 hr) low-level exposures to kainate (10 M) or to the glutamate reuptake blocker L-transpyrrolidine-2,4-dicarboxylic acid (100 M). During these lowlevel kainate exposures, large SMI-32(ϩ) neurons showed higher intracellular Ca 2ϩ concentrations than most spinal neurons, suggesting that Ca 2ϩ ions are also important in this more slowly evolving injury.