CH 4 /N 2 separation is one of the great challenges in gas separation, which is of scientifica nd practical importance, such as in the upgrading of unconventional natural gas. Unfortunately,t he separation performance is still quite low so far mainly due to their very close physical properties. In this work, ah igh-throughput computational screening method was performed to developm etal-organic frameworks (MOFs)f or efficient CH 4 /N 2 separation. General designing rules as wella st he correlation betweens electivity and our proposed adsorbility (AD)p arameter were obtained by carrying out systematic GCMC simulations of the existing 5109 CoRE MOFs. With the aid of this information, five virtual MOFs were screenedo ut from the large database with 303 991 generated MOFs constructed in our previous work, exhibiting much highers electivities than all the reported values. Among them, the selectivity of Zn-PYZ-BPY-1 can reach over 29.0, about 2.4 times of the highest value reported in the literature. These results may not only suggest promising candidatesf or CH 4 /N 2 separation but also provide useful information for large screening of MOFs for otherspecific separation mixtures.Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can be found under: https://doi.